How About FEP Structural Features

FEP resin, like PTFE, has a completely fluorinated structure. The difference is that part of the fluorine atoms in the main chain of PTFE are replaced by trifluoromethyl (-CF3).


The structural formula is as follows:

It can be seen that although both FEP resin and polytetrafluoroethylene are composed of fluorocarbon elements, the carbon chain is completely surrounded by fluorine atoms, but FEP has branches and side chains on the main chain of its macromolecule.


This structural difference has no significant effect on the upper limit of the temperature range of the material under long-term stress. The upper limit temperature of FEP is 200°C, while the maximum use temperature of PTFE is 260°C. However, this difference in structure makes FEP resin have a fairly definite melting point and can be molded and processed by general thermoplastic processing methods, greatly simplifying the processing technology. This is not available in PTFE. This is the main purpose of modifying polytetrafluoroethylene with hexafluoropropylene.

The benefits of FEP tubes as shrink tubes and the processing characteristics of fluoroplastics

If it is used as a shrink tube, you must choose a suitable tube, otherwise not only the desired effect will not be achieved, but also premature aging and failure may occur. The one I want to recommend to everyone here is the FEP pipe, which is a two-layer pipe made of fluoroplastics and has excellent performance in all aspects.


If it is a shrink tube of general material, it will inevitably turn yellow after a period of use, resulting in a decrease in the light transmittance of the tube. But if the FEP tube is used as a shrink tube, the result is completely different.


After testing, it is found that FEP tube has good weather resistance and strong ability to withstand ultraviolet rays. Therefore, even if it is used for a long time,FEP tube will not appear aging, deterioration, yellowing and other undesirable phenomena.


The wall thickness of the FEP pipe is very uniform, and the difference in rupture strength is generally small, so even if it is ruptured, there will be no splashing, which greatly improves the safety.


But this kind of fluorine plastic raw material product has a characteristic, it must undergo secondary processing to get the desired product. In fact, FEP pipe is processed in this way, and the secondary processing technology used is inflation.


Due to the processing characteristics of fluoroplastics, some products are difficult to form at one time and require corresponding secondary processing technology. In addition to the inflation technology used to make FEP pipes, it also includes cutting, welding, lining and other technologies.


The cutting method here is similar to the metal cutting method, but it should be noted that the blank body must be placed for 24 hours before cutting; welding is done in a special clamp, and a certain pressure must be applied Only possible; the main lining is made of ferrous metal, mainly for anti-corrosion effect.

Do you Know FEP F46 Application ?

Polyperfluoroethylene propylene resin has similar characteristics to polytetrafluoroethylene, and has a good processing technology for thermoplastics, making it an important material to replace polytetrafluoroethylene. F-46 is widely used in the production of wire and cable for electronic equipment transmission lines used under high temperature and high frequency, internal connection lines of electronic computers, aerospace wires, and other special purpose installation lines, oil mine logging cables, and oil submersible motor winding wires , Micro-motor lead wires, etc.

How about FEP Attributes ?

FEP This material does not ignite and prevents the spread of flames. It has excellent wear resistance, low friction coefficient, and can be used from low temperature to 392F. The material can be made into granular products for extrusion and molding, used as powder for fluidized bed and electrostatic coating, and can also be made into water dispersion. Semi-finished products include films and plates. Rod and single fiber. Its main purpose is to make linings for pipes and chemical equipment, surface layers of drums and various wires and cables, such as aircraft hook wires, booster cables, alarm cables, flat cables and oil well logging cables. FEP film has been used as a thin coating for solar collectors.


Polyperfluoroethylene propylene FEP or F46 is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene. The content of hexafluoropropylene is about 15%. It is a modified material of polytetrafluoroethylene.


F-46 resin not only has similar characteristics to PTFE, but also has good processing properties of thermoplastics. Therefore, it makes up for the deficiencies of the difficult processing of PTFE, making it a material that replaces PTFE, and is widely used in the production of wires and cables for electronic equipment transmission wires used under high temperature and high frequency, connecting wires inside electronic computers, Insulation layer of aerospace wires and special purpose installation wires, oil pump cables and winding wires of submersible motors.

According to processing needs, F-46 can be divided into three types: pellets, dispersions and paints. Among them, the pellets can be used for molding, extrusion and injection molding according to their melt index; the dispersion is used for dipping and sintering; the paint is used for spraying, etc.

What is FEP ?

The full name of FEP is Fluorinated ethylene propylene, which translates to fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer (perfluoroethylene propylene copolymer). English trade name: Teflon* FEP, is a class of chemical substances.


FEP is a copolymer of  tetrafluoroethylene and  hexafluoropropylene.


FEP crystal melting point is 304℃, density is 2.15g/CC (grams/cubic centimeter).


FEP  can be applied to soft plastics, and its tensile strength, abrasion resistance, and creep resistance are lower than many engineering plastics.


It is chemically inert and has a low dielectric constant over a wide range of temperature and frequency (2.1)


Gıda endüstrisi sızdırmazlık uygulamaları

Kapalı hücreli gıda sınıfı silikon köpük şerit


Çekme mukavemeti: 10-30psi.

Uzunluk: Mevcut herhangi bir uzunluk.

Yoğunluk: 0,3 ila 0,6 g / cm3

Sertifika: FDA

Boyut: 2mm-80mm

Sıcaklık: -40 ila 250C

Renk: beyaz, kırmızı, mavi, mor, her renk.

Esnek, ark dirençli, korona dayanıklı

Silikon sünger tüp / yalıtımlı mavi dikdörtgen silikon sünger tel:


Yüksek ve düşük sıcaklık direnci (-40 ~ 250C), ozon direnci, iyi hava direnci ve iyi elektrot performansı özelliklerine sahiptir.

Aynı zamanda kimyasal stabiliteye, yaşlanmaya, radyasyona ve iyi geçirgenliğe sahiptir. İyi sızdırmazlık performansı.


Silikon köpük tüpler ve silikon köpük şeritler, çanak çömlek, fırın, otomobil, porselen tencere, bilgisayar, spor malzemeleri, oyuncak elektroniğinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.



Teflon tüp yüksek sıcaklığa ve kimyasal dirence dayanabilir mi?

Sonuç evet, Forbest çeşitli standart boyutlar sunuyor

Ürünler ve hassas özelleştirilmiş PTFE borular. Genellikle PTFE tüp, PTFE tüp olarak adlandırılır

Son derece yüksek yağlama ve yüksek sıcaklık gerektiren endüstriler için altın standart haline geldi

Kullanım, kimyasal direnç, biyouyumluluk ve hassas ekstrüzyon toleransları.


Ana performans

Çok yağlayıcı – herhangi bir polimerin en düşük sürtünme katsayısı

Çalışma sıcaklığı aralığı (260 ° C) ila (–270 ° C)

Kimyasal direnç (tüm yaygın çözücüler, asitler ve alkaliler)

Kimyasal olarak etkisiz

Düşük ekstraksiyon

Mükemmel dielektrik yalıtım özellikleri


PTFE’nin diğer özellikleri

Bu özellikler, PTFE’nin tıbbi uygulamalarda, havacılıkta, analitik bilimlerde ve diğer zorlu koşullarda çoğu uygulamada kullanılmasının nedenidir.

Öznitelik test yöntemi birim spesifikasyon gereksinimleri

Özgül ağırlık ASTM D792 g / cm3 2,16

Çekme mukavemeti ASTM D638 Mpa 24.5

Nihai uzama ASTM D638% 350

Eğilme modülü ASTM D790 Mpa 490

Darbe dayanımı ASTM D256 + 23 ℃ -54 ℃ j / m-kırılma yok 107

Sertlik ASTM D2240 Shore D 55

Dinamik sürtünme katsayısı 0.1

Erime noktası 327

Yanıcılık UL 224 VW-1

Dielektrik sabiti At103-106HZ ASTM D150 2.1

Yayılma katsayısı ASTM D150 0.0002, 106 HZ’de

Ark direnci ASTM D495 S> 300

Hacim direnci ASTM D257Ω.cm> 1018

Hava direnci (2000 saat) kesintisiz

Mükemmel solvent direnci ASTM D543

Mükemmel kimyasal direnç ASTM D543

PROPERTY Test Method Unit Spec Requirements
Specific Gravity ASTM D792 g/cm3 2.16
Tensile strength ASTM D638 Mpa 24.5
Ultimate Elongation ASTM D638 % 350
Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 Mpa 490
Impact Strength ASTM D256+23℃-54℃j/m   -No break-107
Hardness ASTM D2240 Shore D 55
Coefficient Of Dynamic Friction     0.1
Melting Point   327
Flammability UL 224   VW-1
Dieletric Constant At103-106HZ ASTM D150   2.1
Ddissipation Factor At 106 HZ ASTM D150   0.0002
Arc Resistance ASTM D495 S > 300
Volume Resistivity ASTM D257 Ω.cm > 1018
Weahter Resistance Weather-o-meter (2000h)   No break
Solvent Resistance ASTM D543   Excellent
Chemical Resistance ASTM D543   Excellent

Şeffaf floroplastik FEP borunun amacı nedir?

FEP tüpleri, çevresel izleme ekipmanından tıbbi uygulamalara ve elektronik uygulamalara kadar çeşitli uygulamalarda kullanılmaktadır. Şirketimiz, boyut olarak özelleştirilebilen çeşitli FEP tüpleri üretmektedir.


yüksek şeffaflık

Tüm plastiklerin düşük kırılma indisi

Hava direnci

Ozona ve güneş ışığına uzun süreli maruz kalma

Kolay ikincil işlem

Kendinden contalı olabilir, otomatik olarak kaynaklanabilir, ters çevrilebilir, rulo halinde sarılabilir



1-Fotovoltaik güneş pili modülü temizleme tüpü

2- Yarı iletken üretim ekipmanları

3- Isı eşanjörü, buhar boruları

4-Yüksek saflıkta reaktif dağıtım tüpü

5- çeşit aşındırıcı ortam (sert çözücü) boru hattı

6- Bipolar iyon değişimli membran kostik soda üretiminde kullanılan fleksible hortum ithalatı ve ihracatı

7- frekanslı tel ve kablo kılıfı, yuva izolasyon tüpü

8-klima kablo demeti montajı için kullanılır

9-lu tüm plastik O-ring sızdırmazlık tüpü

10-Kullanım özellikleri:

11- Yüksek ve düşük sıcaklık dayanımı -200 ~ 200 ℃,

12-  Yapışmaz, su ve yağa dayanıklı

13-Boru duvarının içinde ve dışında kirlenme ve durgunluk yok

14-Elektriksel güvenilirlik ve yüksek izolasyon 60HZ-60MHZ’de yüksek ve düşük sıcaklıklarda

15-olan dielektrik sabiti 2.1’dir.

16-Yüzey çizilip hasar görse bile iletken iz kalmayacaktır.Korozyon direnci

17- Yüksek sıcaklıklarda sadece elementel flor ve alkali metaller kullanılabilir, diğer tüm konsantre ve seyreltik inorganik inorganik asitler, alkaliler ve esterler üzerinde etkisi yoktur.

18 – Düşük emilim

Düşük emilim oranı <% 0.01


20- Havada yanmaz. (Oksijen indeksi> 95 hacim%)